Michael Lewis is a state affairs specialist for the American Physical Therapy Association. He has worked in state and federal healthcare for 10 years and is passionate about spreading insight on valuable legislation affecting physical therapy. 

Michael explains current advocacy issues affecting PT treatment which include telehealth for PT, PT’s ordering imaging, and the PT Compact. 

COVID may have advanced the use of telehealth among physical therapists but now APTA is fighting to make PT telehealth permanent.

At this time, certain states allow PT’s to order imaging such as Colorado, Wisconsin, and Utah. APTA is working to include more states to grant PT access to imaging. Similarly to the PT Compact which increases the availability of PT’s to treat in multiple states. 

Check out these hot topics and more at PT Advocacy at the American Physical Therapy Association to learn more about how you can become involved as a PT advocate. 


47:05 Get involved with our action network at apta.org/advocacy. Be an advocate for this wonderful profession.” – Michael Lewis