Toran MacLeod is an associate within the Department of Physical Therapy at Sacramento State University, president of the Academy of Amputation and Limb Difference Physical Therapy, and leader of the entry-level curricular guidelines on amputation and limb difference task force.
The competency of entry-level graduates is variable across US PT programs with expectations and content that differ greatly. Toran is creating a rise in this population to the PT profession. He is in the process of creating an academy through the APTA on amputation and limb differences for physical therapists.
With a passion for treating this patient population, he also is connected with the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists as well as the Amputee Coalition to create a webinar series for others to learn more about amputee care.
Follow the Amputation & Limb Difference Physical Therapy on Twitter @aaldpt.
Twitter @toranmacleoid
Interesting Facts:
- There is an amputation globally every 30 seconds
- In the United States, there are 300-500 amputations a day
- There is currently well over 2 million amputations performed which is expected to double by 2050