Marlowe Banatao is a physical therapist who continued his training earning a board-certificate in orthopedics and becoming a fellow in manual therapy. He now teaches and mentors with the residency program at Kaiser Permanente in Northern California. He is here to discuss all topics related to professional development, residency, fellowship, and wine!
Episode Takeaways
- The application process and acceptance process when applying to residency and fellowship
- Experiences going through an orthopaedic residency program and a manual therapy fellowship
- The pros/cons of choosing residency/fellowship right after school
- What type of PT you become after training
Parting Shot
“Always strive for excellence in what you want to do in the physical therapy profession.” – Marlowe Banatao
Connect with Marlowe!
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Brooks Rehabilitation Institute of Higher Learning
The Brooks Institute of Higher Learning is a world class organization on the cutting edge of evidence-informed practice and professional development for rehabilitation professionals. Learn more at BrooksIHL.org.
Owens Recovery Science
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The Academy of Orthopaedic Physical Therapy
The leaders in orthopedic PT are the academy OF orthopedic PT, orthoPT.org now with Current concepts of Orthopedic PT 5th edition.