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Revolutionizing Mobility: A PT’s Journey from Idea to Impact

Revolutionizing Mobility: A PT's Journey from Idea to Impact

In this episode, we dive deep with Matt Cumella, PT, DPT, the founder of Nuvio Mobility, to discuss how his background in physical therapy inspired the creation of a revolutionary walker. Discover how Matt’s innovative product addresses the common challenges faced by patients and caregivers, including stand-assist functionality, maneuverability in tight spaces, and cutting-edge design improvements. Matt also shares valuable advice for PTs looking to innovate in the healthcare industry, from identifying real-world problems to navigating product development and regulatory challenges.

Listen now to learn how small design tweaks can drastically improve a patient’s quality of life, and how PTs can use their expertise to create game-changing products.

Key Takeaways
User-Centered Design: Matt highlights the importance of feedback from both patients and caregivers in designing a walker that truly meets users’ needs.

Innovative Features: Learn about the advanced features of Nuvio Mobility’s walker, including lower stand-assist handrails, compact design for tight spaces, and a stable base that enhances maneuverability.

Impact on Patient Outcomes: Discover how Nuvio’s walker has improved mobility outcomes, including increased independence, reduced pain, and improved functional scores.

Advice for PT Entrepreneurs: Matt offers advice for physical therapists looking to bring their product ideas to life, including the importance of networking, research, and navigating regulatory requirements.

Value vs. Price: Matt emphasizes the idea that “price is what you pay, value is what you get,” especially when creating products that will have a lasting impact on users’ daily lives.
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Guest Bio
Matt Cumella, PT, DPT, is the founder of Nuvio Mobility, a company focused on designing innovative mobility aids that empower patients and improve their daily lives. With years of experience in physical therapy, Matt brings a unique, clinical perspective to product design, ensuring that the needs of both patients and caregivers are met. Learn more about Nuvio Mobility’s cutting-edge products at

Call to Action
Are you a physical therapist or caregiver looking to improve your patients’ mobility? Discover Nuvio Mobility’s game-changing products designed to enhance independence and quality of life. Visit to learn more or subscribe to our podcast for more episodes on PT innovation and patient care.

FAQ Section
Q: What makes Nuvio Mobility’s walker different from others?
A: Nuvio Mobility’s walker features lower stand-assist handrails, a stable base for balance, and a compact design that makes it easier to maneuver in tight spaces—improving the daily lives of users and caregivers.

Q: How does the stand-assist function help patients?
A: The stand-assist handrails provide additional support for users who need assistance standing up, making the walker ideal for individuals with mobility challenges.

Q: Can this walker be used in tight spaces like apartments or hospitals?
A: Yes, the walker’s compact footprint and 360-degree maneuverability make it perfect for tight spaces, including small apartments, hospital rooms, and hallways.


Jimmy McKay:
On today’s episode, we’re talking with Matt Cumella, founder and CEO of Nuvio Mobility. Matt, welcome to the show.

Matt Cumella:
Thanks for having me, Jimmy! I’m excited to be here.

Jimmy McKay:
You’ve brought a new kind of rollator into the market—Nuvio Mobility is changing the game. Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your product?

Matt Cumella:
Absolutely. Nuvio Mobility was born out of the frustration I saw in both patients and caregivers when it came to assistive devices like walkers and rollators. These products hadn’t changed much since the 1970s, but the needs of the users were being overlooked. We wanted to design something that tackled these pain points head-on and created real value for patients.

Jimmy McKay:
That’s incredible. What were some of the major challenges you saw with traditional rollators and walkers?

Matt Cumella:
One big issue was how hard it was for people to stand up or maneuver in tight spaces. That’s why we introduced the Stand Assist feature. Our design has lower handrails and a much more stable base, making it easier for people to transition from sitting to standing without losing balance. Another challenge was mobility in small, confined spaces like homes or hospitals. Traditional rollators have a huge footprint and aren’t easy to maneuver. Our rollator is designed to have a smaller footprint, making it ideal for tight spaces.

Jimmy McKay:
That makes total sense. You’re solving real problems for patients and caregivers alike. Can you tell us more about the engineering process that went into Nuvio Mobility?

Matt Cumella:
We worked closely with engineers who brought a neutral lens to the design process. They did in-depth market research, talking to both caregivers and users. What we thought might be small issues turned out to be major pain points for patients, like how difficult it is to fold and maneuver a walker or rollator. That’s why we added a 360-degree turning radius and a design that stands when folded—making it much easier for caregivers to transport.

Jimmy McKay:
So you really listened to the end users and incorporated their feedback into the final product. That’s huge. What kind of impact have you seen so far with these innovations?

Matt Cumella:
The feedback has been phenomenal. We’re hearing that people are walking further and with less pain. One user told us they would buy the rollator just for the Stand Assist feature, while others are excited about how close they can get to countertops or cabinets. We’ve seen 13% improvements in mobility scores in just one session using our rollator.

Jimmy McKay:
Wow, that’s real impact. And this doesn’t just benefit the patients, but also physical therapists and caregivers, right?

Matt Cumella:
Exactly. Caregivers find it easier to maneuver the rollator, and physical therapists are seeing better outcomes. We also just partnered with a large rehab supplier to bring Nuvio Mobility products to more clinics, and the early response from the PT community has been extremely positive.

Jimmy McKay:
That’s amazing. It’s clear that Nuvio Mobility is doing something special here, addressing the challenges of both patients and clinicians. So, for PTs listening who might have their own product ideas—what advice would you give them?

Matt Cumella:
I would tell them to start by filling in the gaps. Talk to people, network, and get real feedback. Product development is a big undertaking, and it will likely be harder than you think. But if you’re passionate about solving a real problem, just take it step by step. Don’t be afraid to get into the weeds—learn about regulatory issues, product design, and whatever else comes up.




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