Due to circumstances of COVID-19, APTA NEXT transformed our beloved NEXT conference virtual. At PT Pintcast, we decided to kick things off with a NEXT Virtual Happy Hour. 

Skye and Megan

Skye Donovan and Megan Brown were our third guests on the happy hour. Skye Donovan was elected APTA board of director at APTA House of Delegates. Check that out here: http://www.apta.org/PTinMotion/News/2020/6/1/Elections/?fbclid=IwAR315xPj12RqfQeD1OQYiCOE8dqa0uIiMGNi4QQ60oH6QWmV6H3UkvB1hBA

The ladies first rave about “The Last Dance” and how it is on their must watch documentaries. They further discuss their own fab 5. They identify these people as the ones who challenge you and let you be your authentic self.

Megan is a business owner and Skye is a professor at Marymount University. They both discussed the difficulties of adapting their lives virtually. 


(Going virtual) “It taught me to just apologize frequently and to show your human side and be transparent.” – SKYE