Behind The Scenes On Project 11 The Alex Smith Story
Johnny Owens and Larry Cahalin are collaborating on a Blood Flow Restriction component that we dive into. Johnny sticks around the show to talk about Project 11 – a feature on ESPN documenting the injury and recovery of the Washington Redskins Quarterback Alex Smith....
Where Do We Start? Improving Diversity In Physical Therapy
Mark Milligan is a physical therapist who wants to challenge our profession by revolutionizing it through technology, empathy, connection, love, and even donuts! Cannot argue with that. At CSM in Denver, Mark presented on telehealth and DEI which now are two major...
When A Pandemic Hit The NEXT Conference Our Happy Hour Went Virtual
NEXT Kickoff Virtual Happy Hour Kicking off APTA's NEXT conference virtually. Bring your drinks as we broadcast with PT Leaders over beer and bourbon! Since we're physically distanced, we can at least be socially close! Sharing a drink with fellow PTs to kick off the...
What You Need To Have In Your Clinic EMR
Sharif Zeid from MW Therapy https://www.mwtherapy.com/ breaks down the NEED TO HAVES and the NICE TO HAVES for your practice EMR. Sharif has been working within the health IT space for over 15 years spending the bulk of that working with PT practices. He is...
This Physical Therapist Keeps Fighter Pilots From Being Grounded
Captain Michelle Jílek is active duty in USAF and partially embedded with fighter squadrons. She specializes in G induced injuries in the spine. I take care of fighter pilots who have spinal injuries from sustaining high Gs in aircraft. I am there for them...
How She Made Cancer Patient Education Go Viral
One of our Top 20 Episodes from 2020 is with Dr. Leslie Waltke. She’s know as “The Arm Whisperer” the “Explainer in Chief” and ” Vitamin L.” Down to earth style and humor combined with decades of clinical cancer rehab experience have made the world better for tens of...
What Can A Physical Therapist Learn From A Radio Broadcaster?
What Do We Know? An In-Depth Look at Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrom for Physical Therapists
What Do We Know? Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome David Putrino is the Director of Rehabilitation Innovations and Jenna Tosto Mancuso is a physical therapist both at the Abilities Research Center at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. Josh...
Making Better Clinical Decisions in Orthopaedic Physical Therapy
One of our Top 20 episodes of 2020 featured Joe Godges from the Academy of Orthopaedic Physical Therapy. Joe Godges has spent the last 30 years training physical therapy residents and fellows in programs in Southern California, and across the US and around the world...
You Are More Capable Than You Know
Megan Fisher Megan Fisher a Paralympic gold, silver, and bronze medalist from the Rio 2016 and London 2012 Games, a ten-time world champion, and retired member of Team USA. Her road to success has not been easy. At 19 years old she was involved in a tragic car...